Healthcare News
Conservative treatment with a sling can replace surgery for shoulder fractures
There is nothing to be gained by operating on a patient with a so-called displaced fracture of the shoulder. Three weeks with the arm in a sling so that the shoulder is kept inactive yields the same results.
Elbow Arthritis Treatment and Symptoms
Elbow arthritis is relatively uncommon compared to arthritis of other joints in the body including the hands, hips, and knees. That said, some people suffer from symptoms of painful arthritis symptoms and require treatment for this condition. Problems with the elbow joint can cause significant pain and disability. However, there are effective treatments for arthritis of the elbow joint.
Causes of Rotator Cuff Pain and Treatment Options
Rotator cuff pain is most commonly caused by an inflamed tendon (tendinitis) or torn tendon. The quality of the pain may range from a dull, aching sensation to sharp pain that moves down the upper arm when reaching overhead or sleeping on the affected side.
SLAP Tear of the Shoulder
A specific type of injury to the labrum, or labral tear, is called a SLAP tear. SLAP stands for Superior Labrum from Anterior to Posterior. The SLAP tear occurs at the point where the tendon of the biceps muscle inserts on the labrum.
How to treat Hand and Wrist Injuries in Sport?
Most sports, particularly involving balls or rackets will involve some kind of contact with the hand and fingers and mostly we’d rush that off as part of the experience of the game